Camper Spotlight: Candy C.

This is Candy. She is a full-time fitness instructor and mom. She rocks. Here's why:

Where are you from, Candy?
Middleburgh, NY

What is your official occupation?
I'm a chemist for a pharmaceutical company.

What is your favorite way to stay active?
Running, group classes, and teaching Zumba and Piyo.

Awesome! I love PIYO! What drives you to be the best "you" you can be?
Seeing results, and working out with others - it drives me to be competitive!

How do you stay on track when you're feeling discouraged or unmotivated? (We all get there)
I take a step back and remember all the reasons why I started. I have this one picture hanging up that is how I want to look at the end. I go back to that picture and remember why I started this journey.

Pinning up photos are a great reminder to keep going through tough times. I always ask my challengers to post their signed contract and a few motivational quotes on their fridge (right where the damage happens, ha!).

What is something that not many people know about you?
I have a little bid of OCD; I am constantly cleaning my house. I am the one that needs to have everything in order and a clean house. Everything has its place. A little obsessive...yes.

Everything has a weakness - at least yours leaves you with a tidy house! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your fitness journey.

Do you know someone who deserves to be placed in the // Camper Spotlight // ? Send me their info directly at:

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