A Letter To My Old Self

It's crazy to think how much has changed / grown / evolved since I started on this fitness journey. At times, "day 1" feels like an eternity ago and it others, it all happened just yesterday. Like most things, once you come to a kind of epiphany or start to realize your true potential, hindsight becomes 20/20 and you start wishing you had known these types of things sooner. Thanks, life.

So to pretend like I have that luxury, I've written a letter to myself. Maybe where you are on your journey to wellness is close to where I was when I became a coach. Maybe you have the same hangups or frustrations. I've been there. But more importantly, I got to where I am now through the support and community that comes along with this amazing opportunity. If you feel like you need help propelling in the right direction, I'm always here for you!

Okay, here it goes.

Dear me in August of 2013,

This turned out to be harder to write than I thought. I'm going to spare you the details of where and when I'm writing this in order to keep life on the mysterious side. What I can tell you, is that the person you are now will (very) soon begin to make a shift towards something greater. All of the stress and emotion and change that you're going through right now may seem like a phase, but in reality are things that you will have to learn to control in order to break out of that vicious cycle and find balance. There are people out there who are busier, more stressed, and have more on their plate than you, and yet still put their health as their first priority. You have the time and skill set to do great things - both with yourself and with others. Do those things; but don't expect to be able to build something great until you learn to build yourself up first. Start to educate yourself in what's good and whole (mind, body, and spirit), and the rest will follow. Stop letting excuses keep you from reaching your full potential and trust your gut when the time comes to make changes for the better. In the meantime, working on these things wouldn't hurt:

1. Be a kind person.
2. Try to build a connection with everyone you meet.
3. Always greet new ideas with an open mind.
4. Health is wealth.
5. Never doubt your potential. 

Last but not least, don't be afraid to fail. Because in the end, you're not failing; you're just falling. And whenever you fall, you can always get back up. 

- Future you

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